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Who goes there?

Over the south door of the Church are three stone heads, it is thought they were carved in the 1400s. We do not know who made them or who they were or why they were placed over the door to see our comings in and goings out. There was no porch till later centuries so they would have known frost and snow, storm and wind, sun and moonshine, hence their weathered look. We have named them Non, Neb and Luck. Non is in the centre with Luck on his right hand and Neb on his left. Whenever you enter the Church give them a nod.

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Bergh Apton Community Arts Trust (BACAT), founded in 1997, set out to interest, inspire and ignite excitement with the Arts, so for a brief moment, all leave busy everyday lives to enter a world of shadows, song, stories & music. Some will create that world; others will participate in it.


Using local gardens as galleries BACAT organised six sculpture trails over fourteen years as showcases for some of the country's best sculptors. Successful as these were, wary of losing its keen edge of innovation and imagination, BACAT moved into immersive theatre collaborating with professional artists of the calibre of Hugh Lupton (writer), Charlotte Arculus (artistic director) and Mary Lovett (composer & music director). As fire comes from striking flint, ideas are taken, shaken, polished & honed and then off into the unknown! Nowadays not only our own village community is involved, but as with throwing a stone in a pool, our circle has rippled its attractions much further afield. BACAT has run community workshops: writing, willow weaving, printing, potting, lantern making etc led by professionals.


Bergh Apton's reputation for challenging, inspiring & innovative events has grown widely. As a result the last two plays were sold out almost before advertising! The Production team has skills in management, budgeting, finance, marketing and technology.


BACAT underwrites the events showing commitment and faith in quality and people with wider support from the Arts Council and Private Bodies.


A BACAT Sculpture Trail and the Mystery Plays Cycle were shortlisted for: “Best Place for the Arts in East Anglia” and “Norfolk Arts Award”.

Please note that Bergh Apton Community Arts Trust is now known as Bergh Apton Arts (BAA).

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